We had the chance to visit Amsterdam capital of the Netherlands. It is a very quant city with many shops and canals. The city can be reached easily internationally by air, or by train if you are already in Europe. The above photo is of the famous I Amsterdam letters in front of the Rijksmuseum before they were moved in 2018. We had a two day stop here before heading out of the city for Baltic Cruise.

Amsterdam Bikes at Night / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

Traveling cities by bike is very popular throughout Europe and Amsterdam is no exception. Just be careful not to venture into the bike paths as they are not for walking. The city center is not that large and you can take a bus to get around, if you don’t want to spend the whole day walking or biking.

Rembrandt “Night Watch” Rijksmuseum / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

The city is full of museums and is the home of the Van Gogh Museum. One of my favorite Dutch artists is Rembrandt Van Rijn and many of his works are featured in the Rijksmuseum. Anne Frank also hid in Amsterdam during the Nazi occupation of World War II. The house she and her family hid in until their capture is open to the public to visit, tickets are required in advance.

Red Light District / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

The city is also famous for its Red Light District. It is a party hub both day and night. The city is cracking down on tourist who are visiting to see the spectacle and have stopped promoting city tours of this area. But you can still visit without partaking in any of the activities, you will just have to make it there on your own. I found the area to be fairly safe much like Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Just don’t take any photos of the women without getting approval first, or your phone or camera may end up in the canal.

Amsterdam pier  / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

Amsterdam is a city that caters to all sorts of travelers, and can provide many lasting memories. 

   Click here to see more of my Amsterdam shots.

Reading time: 1 min

We recently made our first trip to Puerto Rico, and had the chance to spend a few days in Old San Juan. It is a very charming and old city. It is a great place to visit, just don’t try to park or drive on the old cobblestone streets. The above image is part of the wall surrounding the old city.

Old San Juan at Night / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

There are many shops, stores, bars and restaurants scattered around the city. You could spend hours finding things to do. Night photography has always been one of my favorite styles to shoot, so I made it a point to find time to visit after dark during our trip as well . Walking around the old city at night is very safe, and proved to be just as scenic and fun to enjoy.

Old San Juan at Night / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

Be sure to visit the Castillo San Cristóbal during your trip. Also a few blocks from the fort is great museum to check out, the Museo de las Américas. There are historical parks and monuments throughout the city, each telling a different part of the past.

Old San Juan Umbrella Street / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

The city is full of some much history and charm there is something to find on every block and park you come across. But bring your walking shoes, although the city is very small and compact, there are many hills and steep streets. No stop to Old San Juan would be complete without visiting the famous umbrella covered street, located on the south west side. 

Old San Juan  / Photo Credit Joshua Edwards

The island of Puerto Rico is a great place to visit, and a trip to Old San Juan should be on everyone’s plans. 

   Click here to see more of my Old San Juan shots.

Reading time: 1 min
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